行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025



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行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025


行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载





Robert Rosenthal is Distinguished Professor at the University of California at Riverside and Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Harvard University. His research has centered for some 50 years on the role of the self-fulfi lling prophecy in everyday life and in laboratory situations. Special interests include the effects of teachers’ expectations on students’performance, the effects of experimenters’expectations on the results of their research, and the effects of clinicians’expectations on their patients’mental and physical health. He also has strong interests in sources of artifact in behavioral research and in various quantitative procedures. In the realm of data analysis, his special interests are in experimental design and analysis, contrast analysis, and meta-analysis. His most recent books and articles are about these areas of data analysis and about the nature of nonverbal communication in teacher-student, doctorpatient, manager-employee, judge-jury, and psychotherapist-client interaction. He has been Co-Chair of the Task Force on Statistical Inference of the American Psychological Association and has served as Chair of the Research Committee of the Bayer Institute for Health Care Communication. He was a co-recipient of two behavioral science awards of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1960,1993) and recipient of the James McKeen Cattell Award of the American Psychological Society, the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, the Samuel J. Messick Distinguished Scientifi c Contributions Award of the APA’s Division 5—Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics, and the APA’s Distinguished Scientifi c Award for Applications of Psychology.

Ralph L. Rosnow is Thaddeus Bolton Professor Emeritus at Temple University, where he taught for 34 years and directed the graduate program in social and organizational psychology. He has also taught research methods at Boston University and Harvard University and does consulting on research and data analysis. The overarching theme of his scholarly work concerns how people make sense of, and impose meaning on,their experiential world, called the “will to meaning” by Viktor Frankl. Rosnow has explored aspects of this construct in research and theory within the framework of contextualism, the psychology of rumor and gossip, attitude and social cognition, the structure of interpersonal acumen, artifacts and ethical dilemmas in human research,and the statistical justifi cation of scientifi c conclusions. He has authored and coauthored many articles and books on these topics and, with Mimi Rosnow, coauthored Writing Papers in Psychology, a popular writing manual now in its seventh edition (published by Thomson Wadsworth, 2006). He has served on the editorial boards of journals and encyclopedias, was coeditor (with R. E. Lana) of the Reconstruction of Society Series published by Oxford University Press, and chaired the APA’s Committee on Standards in Research. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the APA, and the Association for Psychological Science, received the Society of General Psychology’s George A. Miller Award, and was recently honored with a Festschrift book edited by D. A. Hantula, Advances in Social and Organizational Psychology

Rosenthal and Rosnow have also collaborated on other books on research methods and data analysis, including Artifact in Behavioral Research (Academic Press, 1969);The Volunteer Subject (Wiley, 1975); Primer of Methods for the Behavioral Sciences(Wiley, 1975); Understanding Behavioral Science: Research Methods for Research Consumers (McGraw-Hill, 1984); Contrast Analysis: Focused Comparisons in the Analysis of Variance (Cambridge University Press, 1985); People Studying People: Artifacts and Ethics in Behavioral Research (W. H. Freeman, 1997); (with D. B. Rubin)Contrasts and Effect Sizes in Behavioral Research: A Correlational Approach (Cambridge University Press, 2000); and Beginning Behavioral Research: A Conceptual
Primer (6 th ed., Pearson/PrenticeHall, 2008).


第一编 概念与伦理基础
第1章 行为研究的精神
第2章 探索与辩护的环境
第3章 伦理问题、道德两难问题与指导方针
第二编 因变量的可操作化和可测量化
第4章 测量信度和效度
第5章 观察、判断和复合变量
第6章 问卷法、访谈法和日志法
第三编 研究设计的逻辑
第7章 随机控制的实验和因果推论
第8章 非随机化研究与函数关系
第9章 随机与非随机抽取样本
第四编 数据分析的基本原理
第10章 描述、展示以及探究数据
第11章 相关关系
第12章 统计检验力与效应值
第五编 单因素设计
第13章 用t 检验比较均值
第14章 方差分析与F 检验
第15章 单因素对比分析
第六编 因素设计
第16章 多因素方差分析
第17章 方差分析中的交互作用
第18章 重复测量方差分析
第七编 数据分析的补充问题
第19章 显著性检验和列联表分析
第20章 多元数据分析
第21章 元分析:研究结果的比较和综合
第八编 附录
Chapter The Spirit of Behavioral Research
Science and the Search for Knowledge
What Do Behavioral Researchers Really Know?
Social Constructionism
Evolutionary Epistemology
Peirce’s Four Ways of Knowing
Rhetoric, Perceptibility, and Aesthetics
Limitations of the Four Supports of Conviction
Behavioral Research Defi ned
Three Broad Research Orientations
The Descriptive Research Orientation
The Relational Research Orientation
The Experimental Research Orientation
Empirical Principles as Probabilistic Assertions
Orienting Habits of Good Scientifi c Practice
Chapter Contexts of Discovery and Justifi cation
Inspiration and Explanation
Theories and Hypotheses
Sources of Inspiration and Insight
Serendipity in Behavioral Research
Molding Ideas Into Working Hypotheses
Positivism, Falsifi cationism, and Conventionalism
Type I and Type II Decision Errors
Statistical Signifi cance and the Effect Size
Two Families of Effect Sizes
Interval Estimates Around Effect Sizes
Summing Up
Chapter Ethical Considerations, Dilemmas,and Guidelines
Puzzles and Problems
A Delicate Balancing Act
Historical Context of the American Psychological Association Code
The Belmont Report, Federal Regulations, and the Institutional
Review Board
Principle I: Respect for Persons and Their Autonomy
Principle II: Benefi cence and Nonmalefi cence
Principle III: Justice
Principle IV: Trust
Principle V: Fidelity and Scientifi c Integrity
Costs, Utilities, and Institutional Review Boards
Scientifi c and Societal Responsibilities
Chapter Reliability and Validity of Measurements
Random and Systematic Error
Assessing Stability and Equivalence
Internal-Consistency Reliability and Spearman-Brown
KR20 and Cronbach’s Alpha
Effective Reliability of Judges
Effective Cost of Judges
Effective Cost of Items
Interrater Agreement and Reliability
Cohen’s Kappa
Replication in Research
Validity Criteria in Assessment
Convergent and Discriminant Validity
Test Validity, Practical Utility, and the Taylor-Russell Tables
Relationship of Validity to Reliability
Chapter Observations, Judgments, and Composite Variables
Observing, Classifying, and Evaluating
Observing While Participating
Maximizing Credibility and Serendipity
Organizing and Sense-Making in Ethnographic Research
Interpreter and Observer Biases
Unobtrusive Observations and Nonreactive Measurements
Selecting the Most Appropriate Judges
Choosing the Number of Response Alternatives
Effects of Guessing and Omissions on Accuracy
Intrinsic Factors and the Level of Accuracy
Applications of Categorical Judgments
Category Scales and Rating Scales
Numerical, Graphic, and Magnitude Ratings
Rating Biases and Their Control
Bipolar Versus Unipolar Scales
Forming Composite Variables
Forming Multiple Composites
Quantifying the Clarity of Composites
Chapter Questionnaires, Interviews, and Diaries
Concerns About Self-Report Data
Open-Ended Versus Structured Items
Critical Incident Technique
Stages in Developing Interview Protocols
Research Interviews by Telephone
Developing Research Questionnaires
Defensiveness, Inconsistency, and Yea-Saying
Cross-Cultural Questionnaire and Interview Research
One-Dimensional and Multidimensional Attitude Scales
Semantic Differentials for Attitudinal Meaning
Q-Sorts for Subjectivity Ratings
行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt

行为研究纲要:方法与数据分析(英文注释版)(第3版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
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第8章 非随机化研究与函数关系








第7章 随机控制的实验和因果推论


第7章 随机控制的实验和因果推论






第16章 多因素方差分析

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