【中商原版】你想要的一切 企業傢要上的40堂課 Anything You Want 英文原版 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Anything You Want: 40 Lessons for a New Kind of Entrepreneur
一提到創業,你可能馬上會想到比爾.蓋茨, Facebook的Mark Zuckerberg, 的馬雲。但對於普通人來說,可能這些名人的故事都太遙遠瞭,我們更多扮演的是看客。如果你想找一本既接地氣,又有實用價值,而且通俗易懂的創業類書籍,又或者是想開闊視野瞭解不一樣人生,或許這本Anything You Want會非常適閤你。
In this book, I tell you everything I learned from starting, growing, and selling CD Baby, compressed into an entertaining and useful one-hour read.
No secrets held back, I share the biggest mistakes, keys to its success, and the philosophies behind the big decisions.
Called “40 lessons for a new kind of entrepreneur”, it’s 10 years of experience in one hour, designed to be immediately usable for your own business or project.
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Tim Ferriss Reviews Anything You Want
Tim Ferriss is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Body and The 4-Hour Workweek. He has a diverse background of experience, including working as an actor, speaking seven foreign languages, holding a world record in tango, and being a national Chinese kickboxing champion. He has written for Maxim and the Philadelphia Inquirer, has appeared on MTV and CBS radio, and has been interviewed or featured in such major publications as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and more. Read his review of Derek Sivers's Anything You Want:
I love this book!
Derek is the entrepreneur's entrepreneur. Just as important, perhaps more so--he is a phenomenal teacher. Whether detailing the fascinating rise of CDBaby, explaining catastrophic (but common) founder mistakes, or teaching me about relational databases in two minutes using analogies, he makes the complex simple. Moreover, he makes it all actionable.
“I love this book! Derek is a phenomenal teacher. Whether detailing the fascinating rise of CD Baby, or explaining catastrophic (but common) founder mistakes, he makes the complex simple. Moreover, he makes it all actionable. If you want a true manifesto, a guidebook with clear signposts, and a fun ride you'll return to again and again, you have it here in this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.” -- Tim Ferriss
“Anything You Want is a business book like no other. Derek Sivers built a business a different way, a human way. He did it with no investment and a series of apparently crazy principles. And they work. They worked for him and they might work for you. A brilliant book.” -- Seth Godin
“One of the best hours you’ll ever spend will be reading Derek Sivers’ new book, ‘Anything You Want’.” -- Forbes Magazine
【中商原版】你想要的一切 企業傢要上的40堂課 Anything You Want 英文原版 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
【中商原版】你想要的一切 企業傢要上的40堂課 Anything You Want 英文原版 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載